Tax income - week IXX results

Day 3,043, 17:05 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Shone bate

Today I have realized that I become the Governor of the eNZ government. Thank you guys, it is my pleasure 🙂 A long time ago (March 2010) I was a minister of economy in eSerbia.

So fair so good, we have reached the week IXX of the action Buy products on the NZ market, which started on 26th of January 2016.
During this week we had owned one region and as I remember we didn't have a single RW or a battle with Chile. This had an impact on consumption of both Q7 weapons and Q5 food. Also the price of Q7 weapon have decreased a lot and I have tried to adopt to that change (from 18.8cc last week to today's 17.92cc).

Here are the results for this week:

1) The average daily income is 144 CC
2) We have a total weekly income of 1011 CC
3) The daily maximum was 312cc for the day 3.038

I think we all have ups and downs, however I believe in a long term growth. Here are the cumulative results:

As for today, Q7 weapon price in the NZ market is the 9th cheapest in the eWorl😛

For shout

Tax income - week IXX results
