Take a deep breath, count to 5

Day 2,103, 17:35 Published in Canada Spain by Folphjorg

Hey eCanada,

I see sunshine on the coast, wildlife teeming and of course fresh air on our great nation once again.

After a long 8 months of dreadful occupation we have finally broken the shackles and have come to terms with eSpain. We finally have a congress and can now bring the disgusting work tax down to a reasonable percentage.

I'd like to remind you folks that I'm running again for congress and you can read about it here. But i'll remind you of my platform if your too lazy to click on the link.

1. Take the work tax down to 3%, if needed we can go lower or higher depending on our current needs.

2. Strengthen our relationship with eSpain and our allies. Make sure that we are able to dig ourselves out of a hole when we need to.

3. Incorporate MDP idea's into eCanada, we need military strength and thinking at this stage of our recovery and I think that the veterans in the MDP are the right folks to do it.

4. The fridge program. I install a fridge in our governments staff lounge and have a plentiful stock of Molson, Whiskey and Bourbon.

So I urge you to vote for a young gun like me eCanada, vote for a new opportunity!

If I must "persuade you", you may have unlimited access to the fridge 😃

So take a deep breath, count to 5, everything will be alright. For we have congress and free space to stretch our toes.

Let's go eCanada.