Stop the UK! Why holding onto England is crucial

Day 1,643, 12:59 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Why are we letting the UK take back their lands? We have won the war. We at one point had seized all their lands. Now, apparently our higher-ups are fine with giving up our foothold into Europe. This is an awful idea, and can be solved much better.

As you are reading this, the UK is revolting throughout England, taking back what they claim is rightfully theirs. Now, I don't have a problem with the UK existing. If we gave them just the three provinces in the southeast, they would be happy. They would exist, and we could have peace between the two countries. But no, somehow we are just gift-wrapping their lands and backing out of Europe. WHY?

We have much at stake with our war against the UK. While the UK is to no extent a superpower to be taken out at all costs, they possess two key things: a border into mainland Europe and oil.

Let's face it. France is losing, and in weeks could possibly be wiped. Why? Besides their low population, the fact is is that Hungary has no one to fear. Hungary can sit and relax while poor France tries to live because Hungary has a greater following. We don't need SE England, but if we gave up SW England, we would have no way of flanking the Hungarian blob. If we could attack them from England, France, and through revolts all at once, we would have a much higher chance of liberating Paris and knocking Hungary down a peg.

Alright, helping our buddies is nice. But what about Canada itself, you may ask. What do we have to gain? Well, if you've paid attention to the map resources, you'll see that England has two provinces producing oil: East Midlands and East England. Now, East England was never under our control for long, if at all, so not taking it is forgivable. After all, if the UK had no oil, they'd be tempted to fight us ferociously for it. But our motherland in North America has NO OIL. Zero. Zilch. Oil helps our entire industry and our military campaign function more effectively. With oil, our might is even greater than before. Without it, we stand the chance of being wiped.

Another point of note is for the young rookie who decides to enter the New World. The reason I joined Canada was not only because the people spoke fluent English, but also because of the glorious sacking of England happening at the time. I thought to myself, "Wow, Canada's a champ! I expected them to be a weak country, but they're beating England to a pulp! I want to join a strong country with good organization, so I'll join them!" How can we recruit new players to our country if they see us losing to a fractured smudge on the map like the UK? Players often go to countries they believe are strong, and right now we look very weak and vulnerable.

The main argument against such action is that we have better things to do than to hold onto England. WHAT? We are not being invaded by Serbia, we are not going through civil war, we are not poor, we are not even in any other war! There is nothing of great importance that we are actively involved in. Besides, as long as the UK and Canada remain in rival alliances, we will keep fighting until the apocalypse. If When we go back to war with them, I want to already have half of their lands under control. Besides, land is always good. ALWAYS.

So here's my proposal. As of publication, the UK has the three southeast provinces, West Midlands, and Yorkshire. As stated before, it's fine for the UK to exist, but their presence must not hinder our country. So we must hold onto the lands we currently have. Without the western shore of England, we lose our chance to save France if necessary. Without our oil province, we will suffer a critical blow to our internal systems. We cannot let the UK reclaim these lands. If they want them, they'll have to conquer them from us in official war!

Well, that's all I have to say for now. Until next time, take care!