Stand for something!

Day 1,823, 06:32 Published in USA Belgium by Thorin II Oakenshield

This is the calm before the storm. Congressional elections are right around the corner when we will need to make every effort to ensure the enemy party, The American Freedom Alliance, is hamstrung in their attempt to dominate the election.

I'm asking each of the other 4 parties in the Top 5 to publish a list of who they are running and make their case for why you should vote for them. I'm asking them to really campaign. Campaign for their candidates, campaign for their party... not just against our enemies but FOR our friends and FOR our ideals. Remind everyone why this is all worth fighting for.

I know many feel that this new change to the mechanics of the game is just another blow against real democracy, but I hope we can see the opportunity in all of this. The opportunity I speak of is a change in our mentality regarding how political parties operate.

My personal frustration with parties in the past was that it often seemed affiliation took priority over quality. My party is no exception here. We can point to a number of Congressmen that held their seats for months on end while producing nothing of importance. They were just another lukewarm body holding a spot for no reason and contributing nothing. We've all made mistakes, but we don't have to keep making them. This new system could make that even more prevalent if we don't take advantage of the meta/sandbox options. I know, I know. Meta is a dirty word. Please hear me out.

What we need now are high quality Congressmen. It doesn't matter what party they come from. 6th parties shouldn't be shut out of their opportunity to serve in Congress, so I implore parties, when making your list of candidates, to consider applicants from small parties. If you're in a 6th party, you are loyal to this nation, you are active and have a real desire to keep America moving forward, please approach one of the Top 4 parties and throw your hat into the ring. Also speak with your own party about lending support on your behalf to help you get in- through negotiations, through moving members, through votes. You have leverage here! You have power!

Right now, there is a 50 member difference between iNCi and We The People. We aren't even sure who will be in the Top 5 come election day! The bigger parties are moving people down, but we also need smaller parties moving people up.

I know some of you have a real distaste for certain aspects of this game, but now is the moment when you can make a difference and change things. You can influence what our government does. You can influence how parties operate. You can help control how we move forward together so every voice is heard and every vote is counted. These mechanics changes don't have to be just one more thing that makes us hate this game. It can be the catalyst that leads to a better way of doing things. Together we can cripple our enemies in this election and work toward defeating them completely, but we have to really want to and work together to make it happen!
