soul satisfying

Day 2,673, 17:59 Published in USA USA by as George sTrolls
"for all the laws that the wit of man can devise will never make a man a worthy citizen unless he has within himself the right stuff, unless he has self-reliance, energy, courage, the power of insisting on his own rights and the sympathy that makes him regardful of the rights of others"

I wonder how many worthy citizens run OUR country, do you ever?

"But there was almost no teaching of the need for collective action, and of the fact that in addition to, not as a substitute for, individual responsibility, there is a collective responsibility"

Collective action and responsibility... through power of multi's?

"Excelling at which comes easy is commendable,...,but excelling at that which is difficult is soul satisfying - and within the grasp of each of us"

soul satisfying

for one gold who am I quoting