Sometimes we just need a little love

Day 1,708, 19:36 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove


Tomorrow we have congressional elections. While I myself am not running anywhere, I wish you all good luck and I encourage you all simply to vote how you please. Do what you want. If you enjoy slaying Canadian bacon, more power to you. If you feel an obligation to our long-standing allies, more power to you. But the fact is, we are at a crossroads, and we just need to show a little love to each other once in a while.

There has been a lot of anger these last few months, especially these last couple of weeks. We are a divided nation. There are those amongst us who want to see change, regardless if it is good or bad does not necessarily matter to this group. And there are those amongst us who play the game differently, in a team-oriented manner and who care about the long-term.

What I will say is that this is a game, and everyone is entitled to play it as he or she sees best. We all think differently of what is best for the nation. Sometimes people get carried away and let their egos dictate their actions. Sometimes personal vendettas and politics get dirty and everyone suffers. Not everyone will be happy in the end, but it should be the duty of any elected government to please as much of its citizens as possible.

Furthermore, Evry recently announced that she is seeking an end to hostilities with Canada, having already made an example of them in the battlefield. And also in large part because many Americans have refused to fight our Northern bro. Several prominent MUs have publicly announced they do not have the heart to continue the fight. That is their choice and I am sure for many people it was a hard choice to make.

And finally, if we are going to point fingers and call people traitors or terrorists, then you might as well label the whole nation treacherous.

Some would argue that seeking an alliance with Spoland is treacherous, some would say that refusing to fight for the USA and fighting for Canada is treacherous, the argument can be made for anyone, but at the end of the day, none of that matters, ultimately each one of us is responsible for their own actions, no one is forcing you to do anything, so play the game like it is meant to be played, as a game. Do what you want to do, do what makes you happy.