Shadow- from ZERO to a HERO

Day 2,414, 02:40 Published in Japan Japan by Nobunaga Sensei

My Japanese now when I am not MoD any more I am free to say a truth about this NAP. I hope that you will understand complexity of our plan.

This months we were trying to provide congress for SK. As MoD I was in contact with SK but also with Aurora's HQ. We were trying to either secure 1 region for SK or to assist SK to have a AS. In these conversations I asked them(Aurora boys) how possible is to JaSKo be part of Aurora family. I recive this answer I quote "mate i think that Aurora for now will not recruit new members."

So we needed a plan B.We wanted to have region and congress this month. We try to talk with Asteria and they said to us- We have plans for US-. Can you make a deal with Taiwan for congress because we wont give you any help on long term if you free Tohoku or Hokkaido-you are only bate.

So we split our diplomacy in to ways-Boda and me started talks with France Cuba and Canada about USA problem(this is what Shadow wrote in his new article). CP started talks with RoC.He knew that our chances for this NAP are small-but even so he did his best for 1 region and congress.

Last but not least -final stage of our plan. When we have officialy NAP-I started bitching about NAP. Why we did it?-2 reasons

1)I will resign from MoD position and by doing it my previous actions will not harm to our NAP.

2)That was a form of test for you my dear Japanese-we were tasting our unity. It's easy to complain but ask yourself- What did you do to improve our position?
Organizing a baby boom in you RL country -NO
Trying to talk with egoverment of your RL country in eRep to help Japan -NO
Finding fighters that are willing to fight for us -NO
offering your tanks for prices which are lower than market price -NO

It's easy to complain-now let us try to work together . Dont blame CP,support this NAP for now and concetrate on USA, build a strong army or provide assistence in diplomacy for any goverment.