See the big picture

Day 2,466, 07:34 Published in Romania Romania by Kelstein

Personal nu am inca misiunile dar hai sa va zic ceva..

S-a anuntat clar ca sunt misiuni permanente:

Cu ce e rau pt un incepator sa trebuiasca sa:

- Scrie articol si sa adune 25 de commenturi?
- Sa adune 100 de prieteni?
- Sa comenteze pe feedul Partidului?

Sunt actiuni prin care ii face sa iese din cochilia lor de timiditate fix atunci la inceput de joc..cand e important sa te agati de incepi sa vorbesti cu incerci modulul media..etc

ah si pe langa...face toate astea si primeste mici rewarduri - da inteleg ca pentru un jucator de 1/2/3/15000 de ani de jucat erep un baton si 10 bazoci sau ce se mai da nu e important..dar pt cineva care e nou..e fix factorul ala "wow, am castigat ceva, ia sa vedem ce face batonul asta? cum se foloseste bazoca?" etc etc

De cate ori nu ati avut membrii noi in unitate si partid care nu zic nici pst pe feed?

Stiu ca acuma toata lumea se arunca sa faca misiunile de parca maine vine ca il injura pe Plato ca deh..e la moda..dar ganditi putin in perspectiva inainte sa aruncati cu paru

Personally I don't have the new missions but let me tell you something..

It was clearly told that this missions are permanent:

Why is it so bad for a newbie to need to:

- write an article and get 25 comments?
- have 100 friends (new)
- comment on the party feed?

This are basic action that by being mandatory/missions are helping the newbies to get there in the "community" and interact with it..write articles..etc

and on top of that getting small rewards - I understand that for a player that played erepublik for the last 1/2/3/15000 years 1 EB or 10 bazookas are not a big thing..but for a newbie they are exactly that small "wow factor": "I won somethng...let's see how do I use this bazooka..or this EB!"

Hoe many times you had new MU/party members that don't say anything on the feed and don't interact with the community?

I know everyone at the moment is trying to finish this missions like the e-Apocalypse is coming tomorrow ..and of course the classic F**K Plato as it's fashionable...but let's see the big picture before we start blaming the new missions...

fâl fâl fâl for now,


PS: daca dadea Plato misiunile astea doar la jucatorii noi..cati sareau ca ei de ce nu le-au primit cand au inceput jocul?

PS: If Plato would have introduced this missions just for new players as from many existing players would have complained that they did not had the opportunity to do them?