Schimbari / Changes

Day 284, 11:51 Published in Romania Romania by MOBBY

Dupa o lunga zi petrecuta in transee, cu arma in mana si frica in san, acum ma relaxez fumand linistit o tigara, departe de ochii lunetistilor inamici si scriind acest articol.
Multe schimbari s-au petrecut in ultima vreme: de la modul de desfasurare al razboaielor, pana la unele din regulile jocului. Deoarece marea majoritate a cetatenilor au participat macar o data la o lupta, nu voi pune accentul pe regulile luptelor.
Ma voi opri insa la modificarile aduse de creatorii jocului unei reguli importante pentru e-lumea in care traim:

"7. No racism, extremism, pornography, vulgarity or spam are allowed.
8. Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking the 7th rule)
We will have no other choice but to ban anyone found breaking any of the Erepublik rules, we ask you to please respect them. Posting offensive material on Erepublik is not ok and we thank all those who have helped us by reporting this sort of behavior."

Bineinteles, intregul articol il puteti citi [a url=]aici[/a] .

Buna seara tuturor, distrati-va, odihniti-va, caci maine ne vom reintoarce in iad!


After a long day spent in the trenches with the gun in my hand and the fear in my chest, I'm now relaxing, smoking quietly a cigarette, far away from the eyes of the enemy snipers and writing this article.
Many changes have occurred lately: from the way the wars will be fought, up to some of the rules of the game. Since the vast majority of citizens have participated at least once in a fight, I will not focus on the rules of battle.
Instead I will lay out the changes made by the creators of the game to an important rule for the e-world in which we live:

"7. No racism, extremism, pornography, vulgarity or spam are allowed.
8. Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking the 7th rule)
We will have no other choice but to ban anyone found breaking any of the Erepublik rules, we ask you to please respect them. Posting offensive material on Erepublik is not ok and we thank all those who have helped us by reporting this sort of behavior."

Of course, you can read the entire article [a url=]here[/a] .

Good evening everyone, have fun, rest, because tomorrow we will go back in hell!