Sadeh for President, please!

Day 828, 13:06 Published in Israel Israel by baglamas

Fellow eIsraelis,

some days ago, our president announced that he won't be running for President this time. However, I think he should reconsider. I haven't been living here for long, however my experience here has been great so far. My belief has always been that a President is responsible for the well-being of his county's citizens.

Before I came, I thought that Israel was in a very difficult position... and it was! The national treasury was empty, very few citizens, instability...

Approaching end of Sadeh's term, I see stability everywhere. A slow but steady increase in new citizens (even though we inexplicably lost 100 citizens in one night!!!) and keeping the regions we had are some examples of it. Monetary Market is kept under control, which gives us a sense of financial security. He also reformed the government and he made a contract about the government organizations, which we should all sign. It's a good thing, let's support it! I was used to the greek government and congress members being so active, that a 2 week delay sounds so strange an unfamiliar. He's a good leader, but he still needs more support to push our country forward. Let's work together from now on.

Now a new challenge comes:

Iran bordering with Greece, a fact which puts the Israeli-Greek friendship in test. War might be coming upon us whether we want it or not. In these difficult times, Sadeh is the guy I' d trust more to lead our country. He knows battle mechanics, how economy works in all cases, he's well-known abroad, so he can talk with other countries' representatives and he has the respect of the majority of eIsraelis, considering that he's the current President. We should have a strong President during the upcoming period.
Therefore I think he should reconsider running for President.

I want to see what you guys think too, so keep the comments coming! Let's be strong!