Rylde Lack of Support

Day 1,867, 07:28 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I've come into to many diffrences of opinion in my party and not wanting to stray off the beatin path I have decided to cancel my CP bid at this time for not wanting to create party indiffrence

I could never run a campaign or platform without the full support of those I spent so much time with.

I don't have the support of any of canada's top 5 parties.

Its with deep regret I must back off. I had a good plan and a nice vision but I'm sure another will rise above me to fill the void.

Thx for the consideration if I gave you hope.

The Light of Palero showed me the truth of my ignorance.

I am Still running for CP. One of my closest friends in MDP decided he liked me but not CPF in my cabinet and vowed not to vote for me.

I decide I would put his mettle to the test with the above article. He blinked first.

Yeah Leo I broke you accept Randall Flagg as your VP

The depth of my will knows no bounds.

Rylde For CP