Running for KnightHawks Military Council PP

Day 2,456, 07:11 Published in Australia Argentina by Nathan Aus

G'day my lovelies and blokes of course.

Now before I get into a big write-up of how I'm suppose to fulfill your every need and make all your wishes come true, I'm going to lay that flat in the pan, crack a cold one open and give you the hard sell.

Straight from the whistle and out of the gate, I'm not going to do any of that. Yeah, yeah, I get that's not the politician's approach and brown-nosing is the ale of choice to get the numbers up, but I think most of us is adult enough to realise that in this game all any individual can do is try their best. Any bonehead can shout you down but if you stand up and serve them a good smash between the teeth and get back on your feet, you've won the greatest Aussie game of all.

What am I promising if not riches and glory?

Now the whistle has been blown, let's kick off this tale of why I want to be the next President of this great bunch of fighters.

Number one, we need to take a moment here and give a thought to how the events of the last few weeks have shaped us and given us all some thought to what we want to do.

If you asked me a week ago "Oi Nath you slack bastard stick your hand up for number one" I would have yelled "Oh yeah? When you're done slappin' the meat bring us a freshy on the return trip".

Yeah we're all a bit pissed off and we've said our bit. It was fair call what all members put into the argument and I had some words to throw in and I don't apologise for a minute don't you worry about that.

Here's where the story page turns over now. It's done. It's finished, kaput, ended.

Here we are right now with a choice to make. Do we let teenage antics beat us or do we rise above the schoolyard acne crowd? My go is to take the better track and keep on building what Bree built, the fella before her, the champ before that fella and so on.

There's a lot that came out of this that we can really turn around to our benefit if we read between the lines here. We are a great group and a strong party that keeps up the battle no matter who tries to pinch our esky because we got the good brew.

KnightHawks aren't individual people, but individual people making a bloody solid team. We've lost mates, we'll lose more, but don't ever give up the fight. That's not even close to being the Aussie way. We'll be in the gutters up to our elbows in it. How do we get out and move ahead? Punch on blokes and ladies. That's how we win.

I tip my hat to the blokes and ladies out there fighting for their own ideals and don't call us their mates. We don't get along, but I still respect ya. We all have a right to stand up for our beliefs and what we know is right.

I've sailed to countries that have their pretty bits but this big beauty has it all. I'm proud to call myself an Aussie whether in our real lives or here on the game map. It's not a tag but a state of mind. Help a mate and stand by them when they're in the fight just like we did with our mate Bree. Right or wrong we defend our own and that's the way it always will be.

I salute you all. You're champions in my book.

Things happen how they happen. To do that we need a new person to take up the biff and do it with a fresh set of eyes and a fair hand. We got dozens who could do that, but I'm the bugger who puts their name forward and asks you for your support.

I'll stand down here and await your decision when you go to give the tick the next President of the KnightHawks Military Council.

Cheers Aussies one and all
