Rooster Rehabilitation Project or Fiends Parade

Day 2,835, 16:39 Published in USA USA by as George sTrolls
Editors Note; My rooster was assaulted, to much spunk for his own good I suppose. Blind in one eye, the once proud fellow is sorting out..., well, he is only getting half the info he once did with his vision and is having a hard time adapting. Again, the wording gets intriguing, if the projects are on the other side of the tracts, wouldn't I have taken him from the right side of the tracts? He is up in the foothills, with the fresh air and insects galore, his former hens are feeding themselves quite well. Sad to say they are his former harem of hens, but he is showing slight improvement in the few days here so far, so maybe he can regain enough of his former form...

"Man is a gregarious animal, and it is a fundamental law of his being that when a group of his fellows are doing a certain thing, and doing it with energy and fervor, any one who does not do it, who does not share the mood of energy and fervour, shall be the object of ridicule and anger...This is true, even if the group is doing nothing more worth-while than making itself drunk"

Still wondering what the point of giving my time to an unending stagnation of a game...

"Such is the reward that comes now and then to the soul of a propagandist; he struggles on amid ridicule and despair - and then suddenly, like a gleam of light, comes evidence that somewhere, somehow, he has reached another mind, he has made real impression."

A night not so long ago, cold near exhaustion, the floor board in the car I was hiding in, had rotted out, couldn't complain about the exhaust... Finally the car stops and I steal away, not caring what denomination the church was, I enter the sanctuary, find a odd little room with a bench, to sit, to breath and figure out my next step in my spiraling political career. In the middle of a dream, or was it reality, and I dreamed the conversation... George, George can you hear me? Whoever it was new me, frick, I wasn't ready for this. George, listen, you could win the presidency, seriously! Just compromise and write to the old guard, they just want attention, it could be yours if you would just do it! There was a partition it turns out, I break through, but the interloper is gone... I find scraps of paper and on one, over the present letter head of Suppliers of Famous Pionts, was something vaguely familiar, was it Vox Gazette?

To be continued?