Reviving Economy

Day 1,222, 23:15 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Dear Readers,

This article presents an analysis of the economic situation post the changes in productivity of RM companies and also upgraded companies.
With excessive overproduction and mass selling of stocked articles, the global markets crashed heavily with prices of Q5 weapons dropping by about 50% in 2-3 days. This was bad from the business angle.
As anticipated by me, the markets are bouncing back with even difference in prices of different qualities of items. The prices of raw materials are also increasing.
This is a great opportunity for business owners here to make some cash by exporting raw materials and manufactured products.

When the prices of items will go up, salaries will go up and demand for local currencies will increase. This will slowly push us back to the condition as was in V1 where a high skilled employee earned more than a gold a day.