Restarting the open doors Policy!

Day 3,801, 03:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

CURRENTLY im waiting for own application to pass as congress men dont read the cabinet thread and is watching porn on their other tab cough t1nk3r cough cough

But this is something that has bothered me for a long time now.

We simply dont allow enough citizens in our country.

There is again some kind of mental block to allowing new citizens.

In this year the first application was successful on 2 March 2018. We managed in almost 4 months 6 applications

and 3 was returning citizens :- Kattiaa , Edward De Vere and Elite C

And this problem is global. There cant be any reason not to allow me or to dilly dally but feet are dragged and messages ignored all over the world.

So my suggestion is very simple.

lets stop this madness and just throw open the doors and let congress men let in whoever applies.

So we will let the occasional bad apple in but so be it.