Resources distribution analysis

Day 2,437, 12:07 Published in Serbia Serbia by Dio Corkan

So, we have a new industry introduced since this week - House industry, with 5 new resources (sand, wood, clay, limestone and granite), and 4 new items on the marketplace (house raw materials and q1/q2/q3 houses).

Except profit for enterprising players, this changes brought us a new resources distribution on the map.

Who got what and who has more than others?
Which resources are the most important now?
Will it cause new wars for resources between the giants?
Who will be first to get 15/15?

I bothered to play a bit with numbers, and here are the results:

number of regions and countries with each resource + share of each industry in %

Not much to be said about food industry - fruits and fish for everyone, deer and grain only for the strongest.

With only 17% of the regions on the map, house resources should be the most valuable by the basic law of economics, but the same law says that something is most worthy if it is more demanded. Until all players have guaranteed amount of health points houses will be sort of luxury items used mainly cause of the energy recovery boost; but food and especially weapon industry will remain more important.

most valuable resources remain oil, saltpeter and rubber

Interesting fact about rubber is that Asteria has only one on their cores (North of Brazil), while Argentina and Greece occupied safe Bolivian and Nigerian rubbers. 3/5 LETO rubbers are occupied by the enemy in the weakest spots for Asteria/LETO - Australia and France. But India seems to be a very important geostrategical place for LETO, provinding not only congress for member countries, but also rubber regions for Iran and Peru. RoC and Columbia have safe rubbers on cores.

Incredible but (pro)Sirius (15 countries in sum) got no rubber regions on their cores. They only manage to occupy Aquitaine, France (by Poland) and Abkhzazia, Georgia (by Turkey). The new update brought very little to Sirius as well. Only worth mentioning are the two granite regions of "Spoland", and two limestone regions of Lithuania.

Besides their 3 core rubbers (Indonesia, Venezuela and Mexico - occ. by COL atm), Aurora holds only Queensland in Australia (Chile) as Bulgaria lost Abkhazia.

Although there's no rubber, USA seems to be Plato's favourite country as noone except them has more than 8 resources on their cores (not to mention 50 regions which makes occupation of USA a Mission Impossible). They've got 4/5 house resources and now hold 10/15 on their cores, 12.5/15 in sum.

distribution of rubber

Another reason why house resources will be less attractive is the fact that granite, which is the most "exotic" house resource, will be in core regions of: Canada, Indonesia, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Spain and the USA. The ones in strongest countries are impossible to be held for longer than few days. Indonesia got no real enemies in that part of the world, meaning only Canadian and Nigerian granite are a real option for occupation. When USA left Sirius, Canada got a much better position and so far Asteria/LETO manage to keep them free; while Nigeria is divided between Greece and Argentina, countries that aren't so much under pressure by their enemies.

That doesn't mean there won't be "house wars" at all. In the next days I expect countries to move towards getting less rare resources - limestone, wood, clay but also sand which lacks in giants like Argentina, Romania, Croatia, Poland, Turkey, USA.

Enough for this article. We shall see how much the energy recovery boost on higher level houses will change the situation, as that function of the houses will be for sure more attractive to players.

Enjoy the game.

P.S. sure there's possibility that i missed some of the big numbers by 1 or 2 but that doesn't change a lot