Recipe I - Kösher Turkey Cake

Day 3,179, 12:47 Published in Cyprus USA by little.d

Selam Aleyküm Sadıklar,

To wait for this week-end to come,
Let's make a simple cake
Which will enjoy our heart
And give us force & courage
For the days to come.

Enough of todays fashion
for vegans,
helal and
Today we'll make
a Kösher Turkey Cake!

If it's good for yew,
it's good for you too!

Don't worry we don't need all of that!!

In fact,
I learned this recipe in my childhood.
My parents chose a nurse close of my home.
A Jewish family with a lot of boys and girls.

At first I wouldn't eat what they gave me,
but my Granma told me:
"If you can take a shower with a jew,
You sure can eat with them"

My Grand Mother : Enayi Gülen
R.I.P. :'(

Not sure of what she meant at that time,
But I shared time with a girl from this family.
She had curly hair all over her body
In which I liked to pass my fingers.

She taught me recipes,
I taught her
How to be a good doctor.

She's now a decent woman,
Leading some LGBT movement in Ashdod.

So basically,
To make Kösher Turkey Cake,
Take a lot of ingredients,
Put them like this:

and like that:

to get that fabulous cake:

Here is the one I made for me tonight:

isn't it?

Once ready,
Don't forget to eat it
Or to use it for your skin.

Here is the full article about cake and skincare.

Thanks for your time,
You little greedy!

Everyone reads Today's Zaman - Yarın Türkiye

May we make ays scrim next time.
Allah bless Kıbrıs.

-Captain cook