Ralph Kline for Congress--British Columbia

Day 1,553, 10:16 Published in Canada Canada by Ralph Kline

Good day fellow erep players.
I am announcing my candidacy for congress in the region of British Columbia.
Offering 16 terms of experience in eCanada's congress, I pledge my service to you. I will be active as usual and work to better the game experience of eCanadians.

This month marks a new chapter in my political career. My longtime friends at EPIC have graciously welcomed me into their party and this act has inspired a new vision and hope for the future in me. So often I have seen the simplest things become difficult in the halls of congress. To many debates lose their way for no good reason. Few choices to make and such competition over those.
Nothing more than politics at it's worst.
For this to improve we need only listen to each other with a common goal in mind. The truth of the goal is the key.

The erepublik game is about nation building, but it is engineered to support a lust for individual power.

We need to look past elections, past scandal and disappointment and most importantly past our borders.

We must become a nation.

We must leave those who seek to divide and conquer us behind.

Vote for Ralph Kline and the EPIC party.