PTH the death of infamy

Day 1,368, 13:30 Published in USA USA by Canni

Dear eUSA,

I know with a title such as this you expect me to bash Ajay Bruno (aka Pizza the Hut) and tell you all that he is a bad guy. I cannot bring myself to do it. I learned something around day 500 that I guess most people in the past 2 years has failed to grasp. Hopefully, if I’m as blunt as possible people will start to see the truth in this next statement. AJAY BRUNO IS HARMLESS.

I was SOI (Secretary of Intelligence) under Emerick-sama. My job was mostly the approval of new citizens and to expose PEACE spies that were in the eUSA. Piginzen and I were rather successful at it. Around this time I was asked to investigate Ajay Bruno. I talked to him a bit and played along with him for awhile. Then I realized something that seems to allude most people today. Ajay Bruno/Pizza The Hut/Whatever other name you guys give him nowadays is just a name. I ran for Libertarian PP at the time and Ajay Bruno threw in his support for DanielCD. I’m guessing this was a tactic to gain public favor for me, since I was “playing nice” with him at the time. The tactic backfired and the association I had with Ajay caused the people to believe I was an Ajay Bruno multi and ultimately lost me the PP race. Im not saying DanielCD wasn’t a great candidate for the party. All Ajay had to do was throw his name into the debate, even though he was banned from the Lib party under DaphneLilac. What did he really do? NOTHING. Pizza The Hut is harmless.

In those days he had the same old song and dance. His power comes from his interaction with the new players. He would appeal to those who needed help and put on a disguise that he was the best kind of player to be. I personally don’t find this tactic to be a bad one; I just don’t feel that mindless followers are cohesive enough to build a political career off of. This is due to their lack of commitment and their fickle nature, but I digress. In those days mass messages were key to winning any kind of public support. I feel nowadays it is the name that holds the most power. Where does Ajay’s name hit the public eye the most? I guess it just makes for good press, but you eUSA has given him all the public exposure he needs to do what he wants.

As a new player joins the game they see but a few names in repetition. The country president at the time (maybe his cabinet) and public enemy number 1. I can safely say the Ajay as assumed the title as public enemy number 1. This works in his favor however because when a new player sees his name they become curious. In an effort to create their own opinion of the subject they will eventually talk to him. Ajay is in all rights a people person. He is decent with words and his knowledge of the game will convince most new players that the public perception of Ajay is wrong. When this happens YOU , the media tyrants, have given him power. You may claim that I am being hypocritical as I am writing this now. I assure you this is my last article of the matter and hopefully there will be a day that I do not see Ajay’s name in some newspaper article.

I want to mention that the newly formed eRepublikan Party under Lexone is NOT a party that is a tool for PTH. We are doing everything in our power to disassociate the name with our party. We allow PTH to continue his recruiting efforts for the party because that is what he does best. He will not dictate the policy or day to day activities of the party. If he throws support for a certain member of our party for any office that is the act of an individual member of the party and is not endorsed by the party. That being said join the eRepublikan party and help us create something great. eRepublikan Party

eRepublikan Vice Party President