Profitability of companies

Day 2,794, 11:43 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

I have been wondering why wep prices do not fall below 7 usd.

a quick look shows each worker might be losing 42 usd per day in a q7 wep factory. so i decided to do the actual math and check the numbers.

only for q7 factory and q6 food.

other profitability from factories can be estimated here:

Q7 wep factory. raws 4000 per worker and produce 20 weps

raws are .03 n the market. weps sell for about 7 usd. wages are about 60.

(4000*.03 +60)/20= 9 usd per wep to break even.

lets say raws are .02.

(4000*.02 +60)/20= 7 usd per wep to break even.

producing raws and selling them would result in the same profit as hiring a worker to turn them into weps.

If one can get their raws for .02 they could sell the q7 weps for 7 and break even. but market price of raws appears to be .03, so people should not be producing any q7 weps currently. thus why wep prices do not go down.

q6 food, 3600 food raws to produce 200 food.

food raws are .02 q6 food sells for 0.34.

(3600*.02+60)/200= 0.66

lets say food raws are .01

(3600*.01+60)/200= 0.48

so selling raws at .01 gives better profit than turning it to food by buying workers

so it appears food should not have any workers in it either.

i was hoping to find a different outcome. we need the government to buy a few more weps to make it better. but maybe plato will give the players enough currency to buy the weps!

more medals should give currency and not gold!