Plato loves you

Day 3,923, 06:33 Published in Romania Romania by Nicolae Crefelean
Resource Concession: Clarifications & Updates

"Factories and Holdings

Considering the impact these changes will have on global and national economies, all citizens will be able to relocate their previously owned companies with no charge. Each company can only be moved without costs once. Based on the previous events, we do recommend not rushing into relocating, as you have a 30 days time frame to make your decision.

Also, for a period of 30 days you will be able to dissolve previously owned (created before day 3,926) holdings for a full refund."

@Teleflyer, acum știi sigur că Plato te iubește. 😁

@Restul lumii, acum știți sigur că poluarea o va lua razna. 😁

EN (if anyone actually cares 😛)
@Teleflyer, now you know for sure that Plato loves you. 😁

@Everyone else, now you know the pollution will go crazy. 😁

Plato loves you: