Plato Admit it... you FAIL AGAIN // EDIT

Day 2,018, 01:09 Published in Greece Greece by Dr. F

Plato, yesterday gave us a new mission.
The most of you, you think that I mean the Training Vendetta.

No I mean other mission " Be calm and don't Brake your PC"
How many time we saw this picture?


A lot of players yesterday they spent real money to be able to finish the Training Vendetta.
Your respond to them, was the continually collapse of your servers.
Plato, the game became more expensive with a worst service for the customers.

How you will compensate this player, when you ask:

But they are not able to connect and play!!!

Plato, Do something once.
We are tired of watching you do nothing.

You have to find a solution as soon as possible.
You have to find the balance, so you can have the profit you want and us to have some fun with this game again.

P.S Dear Kesler, don't let her free, until they fix the game and especially the ECONOMIC MODULE.....

Plato Admit it... you FAIL AGAIN



Plato's Answer ..... nice bribery