People are boring

Day 1,255, 10:14 Published in USA USA by Cavalcanti

I've just read this article: Anti-Racism movement.

tl;dr Article written by a eGreek that asks people to stop with racism (?) and keep real life nationalism out of this game.

I don't give a damn (anymore) whether Macedonia is Macedonia or Macedonia is Greece or Macedonia is FYROM or Macedonia is Yugoslavia or Macedonia is Mars. I also don't care what you think about this, and I don't want to know what do you think about it - this article is not about it.

The same people that are commenting "vote", "v+s" - even the guy who wrote this article - are all people that brought nationalism to this game when Macedonia/FYROM/Mars was added with their countless open letters and avatars protesting. It's not all about Greece/Macedonia.

A lot of countries bring their "special" (I was gonna say something else, but I could earn some FP for that) nationalism and/or their country frustations to this game at the point eRepublik is reduced to a f---ing cyber masturbation, and place of f---ing petty rivalries, as one wise man said once.

Aren't people boring? This is why I love the eUS. We don't give a damn to anything related to real life and we rather make fun of it. Kosovo? Emerick is Kosovo.

Now imagine what would be eRepublik with no nationalism at all? Certainly it would be more fun, or at least less repetitive/boring.

A pity it would be less profitable for admins.