PANAM officially terminated, here come's TERRA!

Day 1,215, 19:52 Published in USA Canada by Chucky Norris

JamesW made an official statement earlier today in the UK, and here is now my take on this new event unfolding that will have direct effect on our life.

Finally it's gone!...the logo...

On the bright side, it seem that the TERRA alliance will not have to redesign their logo everytime a new member add's up. Which was a problem of one of PANAM's proposed logo. As a former EDEN media director I know it was a real pain too whenever a member was leaving or joining and we had to update the logo. So here is the new flag you will see more and more in the media.

Let's just hope EA lawyers aren't playing erepublik!

I'm guessing that we will get more than enought satyrical comment of ''HAIL GDI'' coming our way from NWO in the near future. But to me it brings some pretty awesome memories from my youth, what about you readers?

Was there anyone that didn't took pleasure in commandeering the fabled Mammoth Tank?

More to it, it's kinda hilarious if you consider that the enemy of the GDI in all the C&C series was the Brotherhood of NOD and that in the current alliance scheme, the Brotherhood of EDEN is going to be key in our military operations. Another interesting fact is that the Brotherhood of NoD HQ was in Sarajevo, BiH. But enought trivialities with the logo and let's move on to the subject at hand.

JamesW has stated that both Eden and PANAM will have to work closely to insure success agaisnt the impressive War Machine that is NWO. NWO is currently smaller and made up of bigger country which makes it easier for them to form up MPP sets as it cost less to have the bulk of the punch. However EDEN/TERRA represent an opportunity if the potential is well used. The only issue here is mainly to make sure that whenever one is fighting NWO on one front, the other should drain dmg at the very least on another one to help out.

Here's what Bradley Reala had to say about this:

I'm generally optimistic about the future of Terra. There are a lot of competing aims, that could lead to some strife down the road, but I hope to see those worked out as we work together as an alliance. The key will be picking a goal and pursuing it. EDEN is still one of our close allies, and Terra does have rooms to work with our allies in EDEN. We all have a mutual enemy in NWO, and I have no doubt that will keep us together.
-Bradley Reala Current CJCS and Deputy Supreme Commander of TERRA

It's not a perfectly independant alliance, but at the very least both alliance will have different Command staff that will oversee the needs of their specific membership. Let's hope we always get a decent set of leaders that will be able to keep this fragile partnership going together.

Something however that we will have to keep a close eye on down the road is to make sure none of the EDEN or TERRA members get's in direct conflict. A very good example of this is Norway and the UK fighting together a few days ago. Some would probably see it as a future sign of conflict between the two, and with some good reason I might add. However, it is to be noted that the alliance membership are not yet settled between EDEN and NWO.

From my point of view, Norway and maybe even Sweden as well could very well switch side to join NWO. They are currently having very good relation with Poland and this may prove to be a long term problem. Both the norwegian and swedish governement have been evasive so far as their intention to leave EDEN.

It will sure be interesting to know if this alliance of circumstance betweenn TERRA and EDEN will produce military victory in the future. Let's hope they don't let us stay on our hunger for too long! What about you reader's? Do you see this as a good change or are you disagreeing with the current reform?