Open letter to Victor Ponta's most excellent students

Day 1,704, 07:05 Published in Hungary Hungary by MyNameWasIllegal_5963056

Dear Admins!

I would like to congratulate You for Your graduation from the University of Victorism, Bucharest. It has been a hard 1704 days for You, but taking courses from the world leading experts of cheating and lying, studying under the supervision of the masters of manipulation and learning the fine art of eliminating those who have different opinion than You, well, these experiences and memories are priceless: these are the things money can't buy.

I hope that You never forget that customers are always right. Ha-ha, I am just kidding. You make the rules, therefore You are always right. And if a group dares to oppose You, then show Your divine strength and destroy them.

The three Victors are very proud of You.

Best wishes,
a true admirer