Of Commonwealth and Congress

Day 2,135, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
De PublicaDivitiae (Sorry my Latin is a little rusty)

I was very interested to see via the Immortal (it seems) Connor MacLeod the Ian Keers article in eUK regarding a new Commonwealth. Of course I used to know Ian Keers well some years ago (I came from eUK) and he is a reasonable and rational man, although deluded in his socialist idealism. His contention and mine extend to real life British politics but I never had any trouble working with him in the eworld and I believe his idea deserves some consideration.

I would very much hope our current MoFa is already is already sounding people out in this regard. If not he/she should be.

So what would a Commonwealth alliance look like? eUK presumably... eCanada, eAustralia and eNew Zealand? Possibly eSouth Africa. Well I am all for helping liberate eAus and eNew Zealand but does our CoT membership preclude this? I would also include in 'Commonwealth' eIreland and eUSA as well as open it up completely non Anglophone or traditional Commonwealth nations. For us Brolliance geographically must come first. eUSA must be saved or we will be re-occupied. Don't kid yourself.

So here is my offer to eUK: We too shall forget the wrongs done to us and welcome you home (for it was you that deserted us) IF you help defend eUSA as a show of good faith and accept Brolliance as part of a Commonwealth agreement. In the meantime we should work together to better co-ordinate our military strikes at a renewed Brolliance HQ where eUK will be welcome.

On Congressional Elections

Ladies and Gentlemen for the first time in a while we have the chance to elect a nearly full Congress. Do not vote for those who are after 5 gold. Do not vote for those who will propose an impeachment for a laugh. Do not vote for those who you don't know or haven't told you what they think. Do NOT alow your vote to be bought, the cost of which we know all too well. The liberty of eCanada depends on your honest view... it is the gold on which the community runs. If in doubt you're pretty safe voting CPF...