Oblige for President: Steadfast and Kawaii

Day 1,533, 16:44 Published in USA USA by Oblige


A critical component of every Presidency is the team of individuals that surrounds our Nation's leader.

This month will see some significant adjustments in my cabinet.

One of the primary themes I campaigned on last term was infrastructure- the idea that our country needs to invest in its future generation of leaders. Abiding by that principal, I requested that each Senior Secretary select and train their eventual replacements, or a highly skilled shadow. You will see the fruit of that labor throughout my cabinet along some new faces.

Your Vice President is none other than Leroy Combs!

One of the e-oldest living Americans Leroy, in addition to being a 15 term congressman, retire😛 General of the National Guard, General of the Airborne, Vice Commandant of the Marines, and Vice President under Emerick, was actually Mayor of Oklahoma, way back in V1. Leroy is also one of the most notable employers and businessmen in eAmerica, founding and managing the Cowboy Family of Companies.

He's extremely well known for his quiet, contemplative, nature as well as his exceptional generosity. It may very well be that Leroy is the most philanthropic citizen in these eUnited States.

As Vice President, Leroy will be in charge of managing the Junior Secretaries, as well as working to spearhead the Vice President's Initiative (details to be announced soon)!

Your Chief of Staff and Queen of Hearts will be the super kawaii~~ rainy sunday!

As listing her resume would be an impossible feat, what I will say is that in addition to the 19 terms she's served in Congress, innumerable of which she was Speaker of the House, and serving in the Special Forces as a Company Commanding Officer, over the past few month she's assumed the mantle of Secretary of the Interior in addition to her work as Vice President, taking the Civilian MU to new heights, and raising the budget of the DoI almost $100,000 USD a month - exclusively through private donations and fundraisers.

I consider rainy to be my moral compass in eRep and one of my closest confidants, and have asked her to adopt the "Queen of Hearts" honorific.

rainy sunday will continue her integral rule in the new administration and will be responsible for orienting, advising, and managing the new cabinet team.

Assisting them both will be returning Deputy Chief of Staff Flashgun (irc nick: youngHOOD)!

One of the most energetic young players in all of eAmerica, he served with distinction in that role last term, and was recently elevated into the austere ranks of TOP GUN.

Additionally, he worked with Jude Connors on the rebirth of the Libertarian Party; acting as Political Director as well as Recruitment and Retention Officer for USMJ, a position he has held with several parties.

That's it for now America, remember to listen to eNPR (#eNPR) tonight and tune in Thursday for the Presidential Debate.

For now, remember:

Victory through strength.
Strength through unity.
Unity through Oblige!

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Oblige for President
Steadfast & Kawaii
Leroy Combs, rainy sunday
The Executive Team