New Political Module and Pre-Election Analysis

Day 1,770, 10:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Equalist

Welcome to the second edition of the Republic City Times. In this article I will take a look at what can be expected in tomorrow’s Congress elections by looking at past elections while incorporating the new system that has been implemented. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe if you haven’t already.

First, we must understand the changes to Congress in this election. There are plenty of articles out there that explain in detail, so I shall keep this short. Basically, instead of voting for an individual candidate, you will be voting for the party. Each party ranks their candidates on a priority, so whoever is at the top of the list is most likely to get into Congress. For example, if there are ten seats available, and Party A gets 30% of the vote, that party will get 3 seats in Congress, being filled by the top three candidates on the list. More details can be found on the eRepublik Wiki.

Now for some number crunching based on last month’s election. Here is a list of the top 5 parties and the number of votes and candidates they got in the last election.

TUP: 171 votes, 13 Congress
ESO: 127 votes, 11 Congress
UKPP: 116 votes, 10 Congress
PCP: 59 votes, 3 Congress
UKRP: 41 votes, 3 Congress

If the same election was held today with the same votes, here is what would have happened.

TUP: 33.27%, 13 Congress
ESO: 24.71%, 10 Congress
UKPP: 22.57%, 9 Congress
PCP: 11.48%, 5 Congress
UKRP: 7.98%, 3 Congress

Finally, here are the predictions for tomorrow’s elections. To the best of my knowledge, only the top 5 parties get elected. Since the last election, there have been multiple changes to the top 5, most importantly is the introduction of New Era (NE) into the top 5 and PCP out. The predictions below are based on the number of members in each party compared to the total number of members in the top 5. While there are several factors such as activity of the party and voters not in top 5 parties which are not accounted for in this estimate, the percentages are similar to those in previous results.

TUP: 32.99%, 13 Congress
UKPP: 21.35%, 9 Congress
ESO: 20.44%, 9 Congress
NE: 13.84%, 5 Congress
UKRP: 11.38%, 4 Congress

Stayed tuned for a post-election analysis article which I will publish in a couple of days. This will compare my prediction to the actual result and what we can learn from the election. Thanks for reading!