Never disregard your friends nor your allies.

Day 1,198, 19:17 Published in USA Canada by Chucky Norris

I've read this article today bashing on the greeks. Real classy, especially after seeing who posted it ,and it made me thinks on a few things. Of course it's full of fallacies. Have greeks made an outstanding show today? I haven't been checking the battles all day long, but I do know this. Megalexandros did 523000 dmg in one round. That's better than nothing. And we are talking only about a few round here. If we lose Hawaii we won't lose the war, there is still 49 states to go after, and more important one at that. So... this got me wondering on something.


This question is quite serious, I'm hearing in a few hippies Newspapers that we should drop our long Standing ally in Greece and sign an MPP with Turkey, why?

What has Turkey done for the US that is so notable that we should forget our friends? Or we could turn that question around, what has Greece done to deserve such an insult?

It is clear that the US is at a crossroad right now. Is it for the better? I have some strong doubts there.

Some want an MPP with all PANAM members, but it seem like the policy isn't entirely enforced yet.

Heck, Even Russia signed an MPP with Greece.

I'm sure I'll get plenty of hippies telling me that we must protect poor little Turkey that is being oppressed by Greece.

Think of it this way, Accepting to sign an MPP with Turkey will defacto cancel every MPP we have in common with Greece until the Turkish conflict is resolved. This mean that we will lose the ingame MPP of : Croatia, Romania, Italy AND our most recent MPP with Russia.

And there, I'm not even talking about the fact of losing for good the support of countries like Romania, Greece, Croatia and Bulgaria for any future operation. Or simply to defend the US as we are doing right NOW.

Is it really worth it? If you tell me yes you truly are incredibly ignorant or only care about your own interest.

Think about it Citizens of the US, signing an MPP with Turkey will not do any good both in the Short term and Long term. We need our allies in this dire time and it's not time to start playing Yoyo with old friends. They were here for us in the past, and they shall be again if we choose to trust them.

I shall stand by those who have fought for us in the past. For in war, brothers create bonds that can never be forgotten.

There is many more Country I could go and talk about their unwavering loyalty, like Croatia, Romania, Brazil, China and Even new allies such as Russia, but I wanted to take the time and talk about one especially that I think should not be taken for granted.

Thanks for reading, and let's give em HELL!
