My WorthASub Article of 2013

Day 2,233, 03:46 Published in USA Albania by SilentSurfer

DISCLAIMER - My English isnt perfect as in my RL i have to speak and write Albanian in my daily routine , Italian at Work and English in the internet 😃
So please when you read my articles focus on the topic not my spelling skills

Well, I tried to write and article just for the SUB's but I encountered some criticism a part of it was completely true.

However this gave me the opportunity to take some time and write something for the 2013 year that we are leaving behind in my eLife.

I was eBorn on eAlbania as a result of a curiosity for a site i found somewhere i don't recall, and continued playing it just for the sake of "WTF is happening here" kind of feeling cause I wasnt understanding this game much.. I used all my initial gold in fighting .. (0.5 gold for 10 Health o.O F.U. PLT) and traveling. Than one thing happened .. I found a M.U. witch was called S.P.A. it was fun at the time .. there were a lot of people who weren't there for the sake of their personal EGO but jut to have fun .. they helped a lot and we had a lot of good moments ..

From that point I started to log in more and more often.. game days passed by, I started traveling from Party to Party and From MU to MU .. encountered a lot of good and funny people wherever I went. Some MU and Parties that have to be mentioned are :

S.P.A. M.U.
Dardanians M.U.
Rogue Squadron M.U.
Praetorian Guardians M.U.
Seal Team 6 M.U.
Airborne M.U.
Partia Revolucionare (eAlb Party)
American Military Party (eUSA Party)

I kept it simple and only mentioned the Organisations not the people in them since this would be a really long list 😃

I have tried a bit of everything since e simple retention deputy to congress member and than to Minister of Finance in eAlb (witch was a great by the way)
Encountered a lot of people in this duties too.. including FreeArea the PTO spy that managed to Take Over the AMP 😃 , I salute you too my friend since the work that you did, even thought was wrong, took a loot of patience, coordination and skill and I can respect that.. since this is a game nobody died ,no real harm was done o/

I always kept the game in a fair percentage of my day so without letting it to get abusive and "harm" my RL , this way its still interesting for me and I am trying everyday to reach my next objectives.. by the way let me share you my first ever objectives in this game were (the ones I had in the second month that was playing this game):

1.Get to DIV4 Check
2.Get to GOW Check
3.Get to ST6 Check
4.Get a BH in Div4 Check
6.Get 100m+ DMG in a single battle Check.
5.Get a CH ... Please Wait for the objective to be loaded completely 😛

Now I must ad😛

1. Get to Titan
2. Get a MM Medal
3. Get a Presidential Medal (maybe after some time)

All this was shared for two main reasons
1. To get that fcuking MM medal
2. To actually write something of some kind of value for the 2013 😛
3. Get a Q7 Weps Factory

My personal thoughts on this game:

Well this article passed the TLDR point some time ago so I aint even sure some one will read to this point so for the one that does.. thank you my friend and here lies a porn picture

As always you could help with a shout :

Goodbye 2013