My views on the Republican party of Australia Part 2!

Day 853, 22:37 Published in Australia Australia by James Rellori

Part 2 of my view on the policies of the party.


'Defense: Here at the Republican Party we firmly believe that the Australian homeland must be defended to it's fullest. We support Q5 Defense Systems and Q5 Hospitals in Western Australia, Northern Territory, and Queensland. We also must support a massive movement and baby boom effort to bring the population of these 3 places to 1,000 Australians. With New South Wales becoming the back-up Fortress Region in the situation the 3 Fortress Regions fall."

I certainty agree on the Q5 in NT and Qld, We also do need to increase population per state.

Offense: The Republican Party only stands true to the fact that Australia must only go on the offensive when an ally is in trouble, or when the Australian homeland comes under future

We need to help out allies to help us keep those allies when we have wars.