MPP with Macedonia

Day 1,662, 11:07 Published in Greece Serbia by North Tiger
I'll write in English 'cause I need all of my international readers to understand my call for common sense.

My fellow Greeks, friends and allies,
As Macedonia swifts throughout our territories a need, to ask my people is born to question them, only one question.

Haven't we learned nothing?

Macedonia has only 3 regions and we can't occupy them but on the other hand we have many more and that doesn't stop them in their way.
For how long are we playing this game? Can we call eGreece a veteran in this game? And we have been playing, for what? To reach this level? This level of humiliation that the neighbouring country Macedonia is inflicting to us is unbearable to my sight. Have you opened the map, recently? Have you seen where our president has lead us to?

I don't know about you, but I've had it enough. Our country is at the edge of being deleted - again! Like the numerous deletings we had to suffer from Macedonia are not enough! And please, don't you dare to give me that answer of "We still have the territories in the Middle East." WE ARE GREEKS! We don not satisfy with those two resources and some sand dunes.

What I am about to say (write, in this case) to you, my fellow Greeks may and surely will be, (by most of you) judged as an act of treason. Well, so be it. Let me be the traitor. But I'll be the traitor that calls to common sense and understanding. Let me be the one that saved our country from humiliation and being deleted from the map - again.

"Those who ignore history mistakes are doomed to repeat it"

It is said that "If you can't beat them - join them!". So? Why don't we join Macedonia? Think about it.
- Macedonia inflicts more damage than us.
- Macedonia has better, organised army.
- Macedonia's allies in time of need, can count on Macedonian support. (We on the hand, can not.)
These are just a few reason why we should join them.

Therefore, I ask the Greek government to fully revise this suggestion of mine, for the sake of eGreece and its players and sigh MPP with Macedonia. Also declare Natural Enemy to our indeed Natural enemy - Turkey. We had only loss in the battles we fought since we signed the MPP with Turkey.

Till next article
Tiger Macedonia