
Day 2,270, 06:30 Published in Romania Romania by Nicolae Crefelean

There's not much to say. The admins knew they were going to make the "Brothers in arms" competition so normally they would've had everything prepared so the people can get their prizes as announced.

They kind of hit their target with some prizes but... it still looks like it's out of their hands.

We can only hope they will come through without hurting themselves.

Update, update, update:
There's no word about the 99% training discount awarded to the top 3 MUs in each country. The discounts have simply been enabled at some point, while some of use trained for gold. Now everyone should go write tickets.

Misfire: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2370903


Nu-i mare lucru de spus. Adminii ştiau că vor lansa competiţia "Fraţi de arme", deci în mod normal ar fi avut pregătit totul, ca oamenii să-şi ia premiile aşa cum au fost anunţate.

Oarecum şi-au atins ţinta cu nişte premii, dar... se pare că situaţia le-a scăpat din mâini.

Putem doar spera că vor răzbi fără să se rănească.

Actualizare, actualizare, actualizare:
N-avem nicio vorbă despre reducerea de 99% la antrenamente, acordată primelor 3 UM-uri la nivel naţional. Reducerea a fost pur şi simplu activată la un moment dat, în timp ce unii dintre noi deja ne-am antrenat cu aur. Acum să trecem cu toţii la scris tichete.

Rateu: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2370903