Day 4,207, 09:12 Published in Republic of Moldova Belarus by DONALD TRUMP 88

The Romanians and the Moldovan pseudo traitors and puppets have sold our country to the invaders. They call us Communists and pigs . Although some of our guys(Moldovan patriots) 80% of the Moldovans and Transnistrians . They please the invaders and betray their country accusing others of the troubles of the country.Among us is almost gone and tembolee Russian Communists. But they still continue to bewilder the entire Moldovan community. More than half of us are Ukrainians anti-Communists BalticS Czechs Poles Georgians Germans .I am a true white patriot and anti-Communist . I love Moldova. I had nothing to do with Fornock. I myself do not like all that does not like the Moldovan community. Communism. Russian occupiers .I lived in Moldova to make it great and better again. And you're making trouble for me and seizing our seats in Congress and calling me discriminatory slogans . You have captured our parties and are crooks and invaders . You'll all go to hell for what you've done!!!!! Make Moldova Great again!!!!!!!! STOP PTOers.