Let's not make a mockery of eAustralia's top job.

Day 1,593, 23:13 Published in Australia Australia by witherd1

Let's not make a mockery of eAustralia's top seat. The CP should be a strong leader, one that can make difficult decisions in a heartbeat, not someone who has to say hang on a minute and consult his other half. How long will those that wish to have diplomatic conversations have to wait on an answer while one or the other CP have to contact the other to see what they think, then finally make a decision?

I may be young, I am only 3 months old come April 15th, but take a look at how much I have achieved in that 3 months. I was elected into Senate 10 days after starting the game, elected Deputy Speaker 1 month and 10 days after starting the game, and elected Speaker 2 months and 10 days after starting to play the game. I was granted an Inspector General traineeship 15 days after starting this game, and by March 9th, a little over a month later, I was handling entire cases to report back to the Inspector General.

This is what I have achieved in my short time playing this game. I am someone who can make decisions, get things done, and get what I need to achieve the end result I am looking for. So you tell me, what kind of leader do you want? One that will have to consult his other half, or one that will get things done?

Take a look at my Cabinet (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/cabinet-announcement-for-cp-election-april-2012-1997564/1/20). You will see I have included people who are experienced in the critical roles, people who will do their job well, regardless of what Political Party they are from. Then take a look at "greenman's" Cabinet, and you will see that they heavily favour APP, and have only included 2 non APP members in any of the Minister or Deputy Minister roles.

I am quite concerned about this, as they have re-employed Ministers who have not done their job in previous months. I ask everyone to take a look at the Education and new player relations Dept, where absolutely nothing happened last month, yet "greenman" insist on re-employing the same Minister there. This is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!

Education and new player relations especially, is a very important Department, as this effects the future of eAustralia, and its population. How would you ever expect to increase the population of eAustralia without devoting a lot of effort into helping and nurturing new players, and making the game more fun and interesting for them. I have a Minister that is very passionate about new player development, and is backed up by new players as Deputies. Who better to know what new players need other than new players? I just dont think "greenman" spent any time thinking about their cabinet, and just invited all their APP friends.

I implore you, don't make a mockery of eAustralia's top job on election day, vote for the better, stronger future of eAustralia, vote for witherd1.