Late Opinions

Day 2,118, 18:05 Published in Canada Spain by Folphjorg

Hello eCanada,

As you know our CP election was one of the closest political races that eCanada has experienced.


I do have a problem. As I understand it, when you run for CP your in it to win it. You push. On. Though. The fact that both Punisher and Lelouch (which were not THAT far behind) threw in the towel and threw their remaining chance at DMV to win it. I would find it dishonourable to give up when the elections were not even over. If your favourite sports team gave up when the opposing team was in the lead, wouldn't you question their respect? If the Canucks gave up when Luongo gives up some scramble at the net then we wouldn't even have made it to the playoffs.

I know that this is politics, lot's of people do these types of things in both RL and eRep. But it's sad to see two people give up when they haven't even finished something they have started.

Finish your what you've damn started.

That's just a nubs opinion,

I'm Hazmat and your welcome.


I'm having a sexy contest 😃

Put a link to the photo of a woman you think is sexy, your sub and vote number and i'll send you 10 q4 food cause I'm a nub and i'm poor.