L'Au Fènix Ressorgeix de les seves Cendres.

Day 2,196, 03:41 Published in Egypt Greece by almogaverding

Forces Armades Catalanes.

La novetat d'Emperis & Determination ens afavoreix.

Per vèncer cal seguir el codi almogàver de 'sense quarter':

'No Quarter' is derived from the military practice of showing no mercy to a vanquished opponent and from the brave act of not asking for mercy when vanquished. This theme is captured in several of the song's lyrics.

"Degüello" is a Spanish noun from the verb "degollar", to describe the action of cutting throat. More figuratively, it means "give no quarter." "¡A degüello!" used by Cuban rebels in the 19th century to launch mounted charges against the Spanish infantry.

2 entrar a degolla Assaltar una població expugnada, una fortalesa, etc., sense donar quarter.
3 passar a degolla (l'enemic vençut) No donar-li quarter.

"a mata-degolla"
1 loc. adv. Matant i fent el màxim de mal possible. Els soldats van entrar a mata-degolla en el campament.

Bandera Negra, 'Vèncer o Morir', lluita a mort sense quarter.

Bandera Negra (II), 'Lliures o Esclaus'.

2 enter slaughtered, Assauling a population inexpugned, a fortress, etc.., Without giving quarter.
3 pass slaughtered (the defeated enemy) do not give quarter.
1 loc. adv. Killing and making the most damage possible. The soldiers entered the camp bloody.
Black Flag, 'Beat or Die' relentless fight to the death.
Black Flag (II), 'Free or Slaves'.

Catalans, a les armes, enviem-los al mar, a mata-degolla !!*!!

The Cult - Phoenix