Knowledge sharing for future INDIA

Day 2,918, 23:37 Published in India India by iam dinko
I want to turn our gaze to the future.

One aspect that I find important in this game is knowledge sharing. We should all pass our knowledge on to those who follow. This can only give to the country a more conscious future. The time spent in the game is a small portion of the time that we have in our whole life - we must do our best to ensure that those who will follow us will have a similar (or better) gaming experience to what our predecessors have made possible for ourselves.

Share what? And why?
The roles that help us solve the national issues are somehow identified in the ministries. But how today are new players to fill these positions? The absence of this transfer of information/training in a country that does not have many active players, can lead to devastating results.

I tried to think of some possible solutions and I want to share it below. I would however also like to know your opinion on this subject.

I think a solution might take several different forms:
[*] Inclusion of young and active peoples in the activities of the ministries;
[*] To publish a series of interviews with ministers and ex-ministers;
[*] Push the top 5 political parties to take action in this effort.

I don't think there is a real emergency, but certainly some system like this could lead to results that point to a continuous improvement in the value of our nation (also a better perception of us from abroad). It would definitely help us avoid some mistakes, maybe already committed in the past, in future situations.

I am from INDIA & for INDIA