King of the Strawberries

Day 3,111, 10:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Today I had some strawberries. Interesting. They were oddly shaped. Interesting. Wait... oddly shaped you ask, how so? Well look in the picture. Clockwise around the £2 coin from the top there is:
- Mr Fourbottoms (it has 4 bottoms)
- Dave Red Fingers (pointing its middle finger at me)
- Joe Bloggs (he is the normal one)
- Lance 'My Very Large Heart Is Just Normal' Armstrong (shaped like a heart)
- Neville Longbottom (a long strawberry)

Discuss the different types of strawberries and how their odd shapes will affect their treatment by modern society (8 marks).

Thanks for reading,
King of the Strawberries