KHMC Congress Report

Day 2,461, 21:41 Published in Australia Australia by AwesomeSal

I've been asked by our president Nathan (Grand Maester Pycelle) to write an article about this month in Congress. Besides the usual transaction and citizenship requests there hasn't been much else going on for the first few weeks.

On the foreign affairs and military front, the latest move by Finland to Airstrike Australia has received Finnish Congress approval. Australia has the turn of attack.

Finland is going to prove a fierce enemy for us and there's little doubt this was part of a wider tactical enemy strategy. As part of the Asgard Nordic bloc including Sweden and Norway, Finland have a greater fundraising advantage over Australia collecting 7,000 revenue per day to our average of 400. Sweden is also up there, while Norway is the financially weaker of the bloc, with a comparable revenue collection base to Australia.

Countries with a greater fundraising base have the ability to fund a larger warfare machine and drag out conflicts for longer where we don't, not without the risk of depleting transferred reserves beyond a recoverable amount.

Australia has been through some tough times against FYROM but through the efforts of our fighters, friendly nations and outside help, we've been able to hold the line. Thanks must be given to the South African Lazocrat regime for their assistance in Western Australia, along with the Peace Walker and KnightHawks MUs for their private industry assistance.

A Finnish Airstrike will call for major assistance from our alliance LETO if we're going to be successful in fending them off. The KHMC supports any efforts to attract this assistance and welcomes a government briefing to that end.

The KHMC will continue to use its full resources to fend off all foreign attacks and will hold the line to regain and hold Australian regions.

Congress Member and Spokesperson, KHMC