Keeping V2 real !

Day 884, 17:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by Paschoall

Hello there folks 🙂

Today I decided not to write about Economy.
Let's talk a bit about V2 ... just a bit ...

- Can anyone besides me see any future problems for our soon-to-be new citizens with V2 ?

The reason I think that, is that It has been arround 2 months since I've started here in eIreland.
I still don't know lots (I actually don't know much at all compared to the friends I've made here in eIreland...) ... and believe me, I also read lots ... Manuals, news, I got help from the Irish Princess (who I still screams for help sometimes...- Thanks darling...).

-Now, how how about 11 professions instead of 3 ?
-The 4 military branches ...?
-Happiness ?
-You gotta schedule your whole day!
-All those different items to buy ... (by the way, will gifts disapear since there will be no more diamonds?)

Aparently, they're trying to make eRepublik look more and more like a MMORPG and to keep you in front of the computer for a longer space of time. Beggining by the fact that you have to log on at least twice a day since you can only schedule your actions for 12 hours ... What do I have to say about this ? I personally like it ... I'm a college student, I only have 6 hours of classes (sometimes less...) everyday ... I'm up ! What do you guys think ?

Now how about all those people with Companies that simply won't have them no more. Like diamonds for example ... They will change drasticly from a company that produces inputs to make Gifts (GIFTS HEAL - says mr. obvious) to a company that produces Titanium, that will become a input to make GUNS (wich DEMAGES - says mr. obvious). I can see that (not only that) ruinning the gaming experience of some people ... can you ?

- Can you guys imagine the amount of things a NEW CITIZEN would have to learn to get used to this game ? Can you imagine the size of a newcomers guide ?

Other than that, I'm actually anxious about V 2. are you ?

> I was thinking ...

... shouldn't IDF make some kinda of a pool to see witch people are going to become WHAT in v2 so they can plan and distribute our soldiers amongst the 4 kinds of specialties ? (I know they divided them already, but how about a pool to see if anyone wanna change teams?).

This actually makes me think about what Landscape will eIreland have in v 2, any guesses ?

The same would work for National eIrish government to work out a distribution of professions that better suit the country ! - I know this might be hard (to convince people and stuff), but I think It's worth the try ...

I'd still love to get some votes comentaries and possible subscribes on this if you guys like it ... (BTW, how do I see how many subscribers I've gotten ??? - or I simply don't have one ? =,( )

PS: I've gotten deployed today to South Africa (my first deployment, YEY) but I'll be back tomorrow to work at my Hospital building volunteer work and to Sign up my candidacy for congress in Shannon again 🙂

>>> Here are some funny comentaries I found looking at some eRepublik Insider :

1) "After all, in real life you're not just stronger or weaker, more or less skilled on a profession, healthier or sicker. You are also more or less happy!"

And in real life your boss gives you treasure map and a shovel once a month... -.-

2) I can't wait to see the future emo players who refuse to increase their happiness.

3) will be impossible play erepublik with smartphones 🙁

4) "You recived 15hp from hospital. You have 35wellnes now. Pay 70gold to bring your wellnes to normal 😃 "

5) with this time management system, it is going to be a bit like a tamagoshi game, isn't it?



😎 I wanted to be a doctor when I was a kid. Now what? I have to be a stupid Project Manager or something.
