Karnata Isuue- Strike it while its hot

Day 920, 09:51 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Dear Readers,

This is my personal opinion but not official but i am sure most of eIndians think alike.
I have to agree with Ostin's point of view.

Reason why India should get back Karnataka (ACCORDING TO REAL LIFE)

Karnataka in real life is a region where we have lot of IT (Information Technology) related companies and intellectuals. More than 60% people there have access to internet. that is an estimate but it is certainly much greater than 60,000 --- the highest population ever reached by any nation in eRepublik. If at any time, a baby boom will occur in India, the hotspot will surely be KARNATAKA. Most of the real Indians joining today in Karnataka find themselves landing up in Karnataka, USA and they think something is wrong with the game and they QUIT. I am saying this because i have experienced such a thing myself. We demand back karnataka because it is one of the most valuable Indian states in real life and it is necessary for any future BABY BOOM in India.

The other reasons are known to everybody and need no explanation so i better not tell them.

PS: to all those worried about the companies , i think we are very well managig the high wood in Jharkhand and there isno severe employee shortage and it will get better with time.



Thanks for reading,
Anant Singhal
Congressman , eIndia