Join the Canadian Armed Forces

Day 353, 23:18 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

Hey there eCanadians!!!!

Do you want fame? adventure? companionship? involvement? fun times? or the ability to fight in wars internationally? If you answer yes to any of those than i recommend you join the Canadian Armed Forces!!!

The Canadian Armed Forces has 2 branches; the Rangers and the S.A.S

Rangers- The main bulk of the CAF, these people are those from strength level 1-5.

S.A.S- The Elites of the CAF, these people are stocked up on supplies and are ready to move at a moment's notice; for strength 5+

Now you're probably asking yourself... this seems like fun where can i sign up? Well it's real easy actually.

First if you don't have an eCanada forum account you should get one because anything important in eCanada happens there. You can sign up for one if you go to

Now once you have a forum account you can apply to the application threa😛

Honestly people it's a great experience to be in an organization like the CAF in this game of erepublik. So Join now!!!

P.S. Here's some recruitment commercials: