It's time to make a change.

Day 2,585, 23:50 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Muz1
Disclaimer:This article is related to real life and not to eRepublik so if you're not interested, just ignore it. I just want to convey a message through this medium.

By now, you all might have heard about the tragic, worse than brutal killing of innocent children at an Army-run school in Peshawar, Pakistan. Army Public School & College System, commonly referred to as APSACS is a school system administered by the Pakistani army to provide education to wards of military personnel and civilians alike, albeit its formation was mainly to provide an educational facility to wards of military personnel. Having been a student of this system all my life with the exception of 4 years I studied at a private school, seeing the uniform I have been wearing for 10 years covered in the blood of children aged not more than 17 years broke my heart. Don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that I haven't been as depressed as I've been in the past 3 days than ever before. The manner in which the children were killed and the teachers burned in front of their students is what cannot even be compared to animals. I also want to clarify that the children were not 'killed for going to school' but rather it was an attack on the children of army-men because these terrorists are too cowardly to face them head-on. Still, the bravery shown by the martyred Prinicipal, the teachers who were burned alive but still continued to save the children and the boys who were attacked. Luckily, a close friend escaped the carnage as he had skipped school that day.
Pakistan has suffered 50,000 casualties fighting against these terrorists who dare to use the name of 'Islam' for their evil plans and cowardly TRY to justify them using the Quran and Ahadees, but please remember that Quran isn't a textbook, its a book which in order to understand, you need to understand the context of the text.

My father has been a veteran of quite a few operations carried out against these extremists and I'm well aware of the ground realities of this conflict that continues to this day and I also have suffered from this conflict. It's time that we change our mindset to oppose anyone who supports these butchers (Taliban/Extremists) instead of issuing just hollow condemnations. How many people must get martyred before we wake up? How many families will be destroyed? How many innocent dreams will be lost to this cold blooded murder?
If you can, register your protest in any way possible, physical or through words!
Let's not let the sacrifice of these souls go to waste! This is the time to unite against the forces trying to numb our voice, not for a week but until the end to this extremism. If we cannot, then we've failed not as a state, but as a nation. And none of us can live our lives with the guilt of the debt we have to pay.
Let's say a prayer for the victims and the families affected by the disaster.
Plus, please visit this site which aims to develop a school for every life lost in the attack: