Is it the end?

Day 2,254, 00:59 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX
Hello my dear friends,

It has been a long time since I wrote an article. In fact, it's been a long time since I did very much other than two click. Christmas, is always that time of year where things get crazy and we find ourselves consumed by RL so as to no longer have the energy or time to play eRepublik. I find myself having fallen into this circumstance and I bet there are many others too.

But I fear that this time is not the same as the years gone by. It is no secret that eRepublik has been a dying game. You can blame it on the mechanics, the administration of the game, the increasingly gold reliance of the game or the lack of community or whatever. The point of this article is not to find blame, but simply to highlight the difficult circumstance we face.

Now as I said before, Christmas is a time of RL. We hang with family, we see the relatives we don't normally see and we need all the energy we can get to stop ourselves from ending up with a life sentence for having finally snapped when that one greedy relative takes the bit of turkey you were eyeing off since the plate hit the table. We celebrate a new year and put behind us the highs and lows of the previous year, whatever they be. We hang with friends, go to parties and enjoy the holidays and time when we get fat, socialise and enjoy the short lives we live.

But then the year swings back into motion. People go back to work, school, university or at least the swell of the holidays drops down. We return to life and it is at this point we again find time for our eLives. We catch up with our eFriends and we enjoy their company when time to hang with RL friends and family becomes less available. We use it to unwind the day or to break up a long evening. Whatever it may be, we come back.

But it seems to me this year has been a little less similar. It feels to me like the holidays have set in more permanently. Whether it's just me in my unique circumstance, or whether it's a feeling more widely recognised because of a common factor; being the game is just not what it used to be. I feel as if many of my friends have not returned either and therefore, eAustralia is missing a big portion of its appeal - for me at least.

So does this mark the end of a generation of eRepublik? Have the old guard and the new now old guard moved on? The names that I once saw so often now extinguished. I know a few still two click, a few have gone completely. Is it the time where many players will now not return, and instead our numbers will be filled with new players who like us, come to eRepublik throughout the year seeking a release and some sort of online easy access social network?

Either way, whatever is happening, I wish everyone here a Happy Year ahead and fun times onwards. I will still be here, 2-clicking. I may surface every now and again, and of course I will answer when called. But I think for now, whilst I love meeting new people, that I am on an outside swirl. It's time for you lads and gals to take charge and have some fun here. But my time is done for now.

Hopefully my friends who are still out there will surface later and we will re-unite again.