IRC...what's the point?

Day 818, 15:36 Published in Israel Israel by baglamas

We all realize that we live in a small eCountry with a few active citizens. Therefore it's completely reasonable to have smaller mouths than other bigger eCountries. However i've noticed that our forum is quite active, which proves that people actually talk! Is the Forum enough though?

First of all we need to lure new players into the game. After we do that, we need to keep them active. One great way to do that, is through direct help in our irc channel. Articles and Forum posts do a great job too, but it takes some time to answer, which is quite frustrating if the question is e.g. "it's 5 mins before the end of the battle and my wellness is 39 and i'm broke. what can i do?"

Chatting is also great for senior members too. They can discuss about politics in a more active way, without further delays. All the serious stuff aside though, chatting is great for comic relief. This gives a huge boost to our morale and gives us the chance to know more about each other, leading to a feeling of unity. It's always great to feel that you are a part of an active community and gives us the urge to work together for a better tomorrow for our country.

That was a tiiiiiny observation from a the few days i've spent here. You guys have been great to me and i need to thank you in public!