Introduction to Illyrian's Party AL/EN

Day 2,654, 06:52 Published in Albania Albania by RemainingIllyrians


-Meqe aktiviteti i eShqiperise sone ka rene gjate periudhave te fundit, ndjej nevojen qe ti njoftoj qytetaret me partine Illyrian's Party, sidomos ata te rinjte. Dihet se shume qytetare me pervoje loje te cilet ishin ne dispozicion ti ndihmonin qytetaret pa interes nuk jane me mes nesh, ose e kane lene lojen ose Plato vete i ka bere qe ta lene dhe fatkeqesisht tani mes nesh gjindet nje numer lojtaresh te cilet nuk preferojne te kene dinjitet por i bejne punet ne nje menyre joetike.
-Mendimi im sipas qendrimit tim ne kete parti eshte se keta qytetare shembullor te cilet kane mbetur pak gjate ketyre diteve jane grumbulluar ne nje parti te vetme e cila eshte Illyrian's party dhe te cilet me ane te puneve te sinqerta dhe te pandalshme mundohen qe ta rimekembin eShqiperine.

-Partia tani per tani ka 41 anetare dhe tani ju prezantoj anetaret kryesore te kesaj partie:

Presidenti i Partise: Kravenn
Zevendes President: Invulner
Sekretari i Partise: GjokaAl
Keshilltar: BesaBese

- E kemi Rankun e 5-te por jemi Partia me aktive te cilet bejme perpjeke te vazhdueshme per ta ngritur Shqiperine, madje kemi edhe Lojtare te cilet vijne nga shtete te tjera per te kontribuar dhe ndare pervojen e tyre.
- Une i ftoj te gjithe lojtaret e rinje te cilet jane mendje-hapur dhe te sinqerte qe te na bashkangjiten ne kete parti, pasi qe dera eshte e hapur per cilindo bashkekombetar apo dashamires te Shqiperise. Do perpiqemi qe t'ju ndihmojme dhe t'ju njoftojme me shume me kete loje dhe rrjedhat e kesaj Loje. Pasi qe nuk jemi ne numer te madh, per sukses te metutjeshem kemi nevoje per perkrahje.

- Tani do permendi thenien ne Fillim te faqes sone e cila thote:
>Jemi dhe do jemi vetem per Shqiperine. Koha eshte e maskarenjve por ATDHEU I SHQIPTARVE.
Ju Falenderoj per vemendje, Votoni per ne, na jepni perkrahjen tuaj dhe nuk do ju zhgenjejme!

Rrofte Shqiperia Etnike! -RemainingIllyrians



- Since the activity of our eAlbania has fallen during these recent periods, I feel the need to introduce the Citizens with the Illyrian's Party, and especially the young. It is known that many citizens with experience of this game who were ready to help the citizens without any interest aren't among us anymore, they either left the game or Plato himself made them leave and unfortunately nowadays among us there is a number of players who do not prefer to have dignity and instead do unethical deeds.

- My thoughts of the party after my stay in here is that these exemplary citizens which are few in numbers these days have gathered into a single party which is the Illyrian's Party and with honest and constant work they try to redeem eAlbania.

- The party now consists of 41 members and I will introduce you with the main members:

Party President: Kravenn
Vice President: Invulner
Secretary General: GjokaAL
Councillor: BesaBese

-We are ranked as 5th however we are also the most active party which performs continuous attempts to make eAlbania rise, we even have players which come from other countries to contribute and share their knowledge.

-I invite all the new players who are honest and open minded to join us in this party, since the door is open for any fellow member or friend of Albania. We will try to help you and notify you about the things which happen in this game. Since we are not many in number, to achieve success we need support.

-I will mention now the quote which stands in our Page saying:
>We are and will be for Albania. This is a time for bastards however OUR LAND IS FOR ALBANIANS.