Iceland and eIreland; a discussion

Day 2,331, 22:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bhane

Raven asked me to write this article, after a few comment conversations on the shout wall. I have some thoughts to share on the vote for new countries.

A friend recently said;
"Countries with small populations that get added to the game are targets for colonization. I understand that New Zealand was taken over by Serbian players essentially... and that's what I'd predict would happen if Iceland were added.

Iceland is a country with a RL population of about 300,000... Would be cool if they added Iceland, but I'm not sure it would work out to our strategic benefit."

Europe is in dire need of a rubber region, if France is ever going to get a little relief. I think new countries will have the rarer raws like rubber and saltpeter. As much as it would be neat to have Iceland, it would make the neighborhood a lot more dangerous. Nations would choose the path of least resistance to get to the rubber in the new region... the path through eIreland. There's no guarantee that Iceland would have rubber, but it's a risk that I think everyone should consider when they cast their ballot. Please use the comment section to have a civil discussion about this.

I think new countries will have rare raws, to get more of those into the game. If Iceland is added with rubber, Ireland will get trodden over. Just like Germany got trampled as a route to French rubber. If you love Ireland, then you probably don't want Iceland to be added. If a new country will be added on the outskirts of Europe, then I'd prefer to see it in the East, not the NorthWest (through Ireland). If not Lux, then I would vote Armenia, Azerbijan, Georgia, Palistine, Syria. Alternatively Morocco could be a good (through Spain). I like Iceland, but it's arrival could mean bad things for eIreland. I would love to see Iceland added, as long as it doesn't have rubber or saltpeter. I doubt we would be that lucky.

I vote for Luxembourg in the hope that it will have a rubber region, for the benefit of Europe. I know it will be immediately PTO'd, but central Europe needs it. Even if you do not vote for Lux, I entreat you all to vote from something other than Iceland.