I can, and I will.

Day 611, 15:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BaronChris

I have just lost $20 on PKR online poker, after having the clear lead in the tournment, so I think I'm going to pick on a certain company or topic until my face goes as red as the eight year old bottle of Loreal Kids 'Burst of Cherry-Almond' I just found in my bathroom.

Everyone is so angry nowadays; not that I care, seeing every other word from me is pure melevolence. But it's just alot more angry than past generations. Of course I could put it down to drugs, crime, Fiona Bruce- but that would be unfair, as previous generations had such horrible problems. I think a quote from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams has a good slant on what I'm thinking:

'This planet [Earth] has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much most of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.'

But what do we put it down to? Well, I blame Will Wright, creator of Sims and probably the internet aswell. I blame Will Wright, because of his creation of Sims, which shows children that life is monotonous and that putting a ten foot statue in your front room is very simple, after the house has been built. I guess the interent is to blame aswell with anyone being able to access anything. I think the internet is brilliant, and curse all those technophobes.

I mean, look at the rates of teenage pregnancy, 20 in 1000, births are teenage. Which actually doesn't seem so bad in all honesty. But when you get some who are pregnant at like 13. I mean fucking hell. With alot of teenagers now who would mistake abstinence for some sort of alcohlic drink. But then you could argue that porn is fuelling boys to have sex, then realising after sex that they will never be 'King Dong' from their favourite porno. Sad really.

I think teenage sex is bad, as you may get something terminal. Like a child.

Baron Chris