How to make gold like a G!

Day 2,630, 02:20 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Arfan-Khan

So one shall wonder why this article has been put up. And I shall explain. Yesterday on Day 2629, me and this young chap earned well over 1,500 GOLD in a single day! This was done without the use of RL money. We did this by winning a combined number of over 50 BHs in a single day. These were no ordinary BHs, these BHs were won whilst there was a "one time special of 10x Gold"


The DarkKnight Rises BH count: 41
Arfan-Khan BH count: 10

The chickens were like BHs for that hungry c*nt!

Meanwhile other ePakistanis:


D3 BH for 4 million - LOL
